About Community LINK


Community LINK is the Upper Clutha's one-stop community support and connection centre, supporting our growing community across the full welfare spectrum. We work to provide information and support; connect and collaborate; and build resilient community through development projects and cross-sector collaboration.

Our vision is that Upper Clutha people can thrive. Our Kaupapa is to be kind in our approach; innovative and adaptive in our thinking; inclusive in our relationships; embracing diversity; and honouring community voice.

Our mahi is diverse:

  • We are a Heartlands Services centre, providing a gateway to information and support from government and community services.

  • We coordinate the local Foodbank and food security initiatives across the district.

  • We support Whānau naviagting health and social services through our Occupational Therapist.

  • We collaborate widely and across sectors to identify and address gaps in provision, building resilience through community engagement and development.

Our Team

  • Kate Murray


  • Kim Baker

    Community Services Coordinator

  • Nicola Plumridge

    Foodbank Coordinator

  • Ana Amador

    Occupational Therapist

  • Yvonne Walker

    Food Security Coordinator

  • Natalie Barlow

    Office Manager

  • Arda Booiman-Moorman

    Office Support

  • Kenzie Hamilton

    Community Project Coordinator


Our Trustees


Established in 2003, our organisation is governed by the Alpine Community Development Trust (ACDT) and operated through a Board of Trustees:

Chair: Ian Maxwell
Treasurer: Peter Humphrey
Vicki McDermott
Lucy Middendorf
Rosey Williamson
Quentin Smith
Michaela Blacklock
Hamish Brimble
David Gibbs

The board meet monthly and are responsible for the governance and strategic direction of the organisation, bringing a diverse set of skills and experience.


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