Government and Community Services
Community Link provides a gateway to free information and support from government agencies like Work and Income, local financial advisers and legal aid.
We also have a work station available in our reception for completing government forms online or applying for jobs or visas - just ask at the front desk.
These services are on offer thanks to the Heartlands Service, an MSD-funded service to help rural and isolated communities access government and non-government services.
We have a public computer available for people to use to access WINZ information and forms or to apply online. If you are having difficulty completing these forms or contacting WINZ, then we may be able to help. We can scan your documents and email them to WINZ.
We can print any Immigration forms you require.
If you have questions about your visa, Tatiana Elvery from Aspiring Immigration offers free clinics every month.
Contact us or book online here.
Inland Revenue Department (IRD)
IRD has a call centre which you can contact with queries on 0800 775 247.
Community Link can also email your query directly to the IRD who will then call you and arrange a face-to-face appointment at the next clinic if required.
Contact Community Link or send a message Here
Ministry of Social Development (MSD) Office for Seniors
Over 65? The Office for Seniors are offering monthly consultations for New Zealand Superannuation clients at the Wanaka Community Hub, as part of the Reconnecting Seniors Programme. Their first visit will be Monday, November 21 between 9:00am and 10:20am. They can help with applications for NZ Super, disability allowance or any other queries you may have.
Contact Community Link to book a 20-minute appointment, or book online here.
Community Law visits Community Networks/LINK at the Wānaka Community Hub on the first Thursday of every month between 11:00 am – 1.00 pm.
They offer a free 15 minute appointment for advice on legal issues with a qualified lawyer.
Contact us to make an appointment, click here to book online, or call 0800 169 333 or 03 4741922 for general enquiries.
If you’re struggling with financial worries, Community Networks/LINK can connect you with financial advisers who can provide confidential, non-judgemental guidance and support.
They can help you better understand budgeting, debt, financial products, loans and other money topics, reduce any ongoing cycles of debt and work out a financial plan that is right for you.
Local financial advisers include:
• Family Works Financial Mentor - available by referral to Presbyterian Support Otago at the Wānaka Community Hub.
• Central Otago Budgeting Services - available by appointment in your home or at the Hub.
• Salvation Army Case Worker - available by appointment at the Hub.
You can now book a free Money Clinic session with a trained financial mentor from Family Works here.
JP services are available at the Wānaka Community Hub by appointment every Tuesday from 10.30am - 12.00pm and Thursday from 2.00pm - 3.30pm.
A JP can:
• Witness signatures
• Certify copies of documents
• Complete an affidavit or declaration for you.This is a free service offered to the community on a volunteer basis.
Make an appointment:
• Contact us to make an appointment at the Hub, or click here to book online.
• To find a local JP and make an appointment outside our set times, see the list below.
JPs in the Upper Clutha
Gaynor Corkery
021 0220 8653
127 Meadowstone Drive, Wānaka
gaynor.corkery@hotmail.comDave Evans
027 9103892
20 Kelliher Drive, Wānaka
dave.sue.evans@xtra.co.nzRalph Fegan
0274 323 616
224 Beacon Point Road, Wānaka
ralphfegan@gmail.comKate Hall - UNAVAILABLE UNTIL 21 SEPT 2024
021 075 0393
9 Wexford Street, Albert Town
iankatehall@gmail.comStan Hall
443 5586 / 027 222 3480
46 Wanaka- Mt Aspiring Road, Wānaka
sd.jjhall@yahoo.co.nzDerek Howarth
443 4230 / 027 351 8275
5 Elderberry Crescent, Wānaka
howarthds@gmail.comMaurice Jackways
021 685 115
9 Jessies Crescent, Wānaka
jackways@xtra.co.nzAnthea McEwan
027 462 5195
26 Morrows Mead, Wānaka
mcewanakt@gmail.comShirley Menlove
443 2462 / 027 2024970
2 Galvin Lane, Wānaka
ismenlove@xtra.co.nzEoin Rutherford
431 2816 / 027 226 9681
122 Stone Street, Wānaka erutherford@xtra.co.nzJude Smith
021 583 352
6 Parkview St, Grandview, Wānaka
judeeventful@icloud.comJane Stalker
021 101 7480
446A Lake Hawea Albert Town Rd, RD2, Wānaka 9382
janedoug.stalker@xtra.co.nzIf you require a Notary Public (a lawyer authorised to officially witness signatures on legal documents, collect sworn statements, administer oaths and certify the authenticity of legal documents for use overseas), visit the New Zealand Society of Notaries website.
The Total Mobility scheme subsidises licensed taxi services to assist eligible people with impairments to access transport.
It provides electronic cards to eligible scheme members that discount the normal taxi (or specialist transport provider) fare by 50 percent up to a maximum fare (set by the relevant regional council)
For general information about the scheme, click here.
Contact us to apply for a Total Mobility card.
Wheels to Dunstan
Wheels to Dunstan transport is a voluntary service offering free transport to and from Dunstan Hospital or to the eye clinic in Alexandra for medical appointments. You can also use the Wheels to Dunstan car to connect with the St John Health Shuttle to and from Dunedin hospital.
People of any age can use the service and it is typically used by people who don’t own a car, are no longer able to drive or simply can’t afford the trip.
The Wheels to Dunstan Trust ask for donations from people using this transport to help cover the costs of the car.
Contact us to book this service. Please inform us if you are an ACC client.
St John Central Otago Health Shuttle
This shuttle between Cromwell and Dunedin Hospital is available Monday-Friday. The shuttle leaves Cromwell at 7:30 am and returns to Cromwell at approx. 6:00pm
Appointments in Dunedin need to be between 11:00am and 2:30pm for same-day return.
For bookings, call 0800 103 046 by 3:00pm the day before the appointment.
There is a suggested donation of $20 each way for using this service. ACC travel fund or Ministry of Health Travel Assistance may be available.
Meals on Wheels (MOW) is a service for those who find it difficult to shop and cook for themselves. It is predominantly aimed at elderly people, but if you are unwell or recovering from an illness you may be able to sign up on a short-term basis.
Volunteers will deliver subsidised meals ($6.80 per meal) to your door on weekdays.
The meals are prepared at Aspiring Enliven Care Centre.
To start receiving the meals, please visit your GP for a referral.
Alternatively, contact the Medical Social Worker - Clinical Needs Assessment service at Dunstan Hospital on 03 440 4302.