Reconnecting Seniors

The Reconnecting Seniors Network is a group of individuals within our community that work with or alongside seniors, the group comes together bi-monthly to advocate for seniors in the Upper Clutha to which Community Link is an active member in. This network supports ‘active ageing’ as part of our age-friendly plan, which includes elements of social participation, healthy lifestyles and encourages seniors to feel connected and involved in their local community.

Below is a catalogue of events; recreation and support resources for over 65s in the Upper Clutha. There are a huge range of activities available, and we know we may not have captured them all. If you would like to add something to this, please get in touch.

This information will feed into a monthly calendar featuring different events, activities and support information. The calendar will be available on the noticeboard of the Wānaka Community Hub, in print in The Messenger and on this web page.

  • Coffee Connection drop-in

    Second Monday of the month | 9.30 - 11.00am | Wānaka Community Hub, 34 McDougall Street | Join us for morning tea and a casual chat.

    Contact Community LInk.

    Saturday Socials

    Last Saturday of the month | 10.30am - 1.30pm | St John Rooms, Link Way | $5 per person includes morning tea, bingo and lunch.

    Contact Dell Taylor: call 021 111 5940.

    For full information on events please refer to the seniors calendar under ‘What’s ON’

  • PrimeTimers

    Meeting first Thursday of the month | 2.00pm - 4.00pm | Wānaka Presbyterian Church, Tenby Street

    Outing third Thursday of the month (between May and November) | by arrangement.

    Contact Helen Millar, Activities Coordinator: call 021 043 1054 or email

    Aspiring Rotary

    Meeting first Monday and fourth Thursday of the month | 6.00pm | Pembroke Wines & Spirits (Mondays), Wānaka Districts Club (Thursdays) | casual get-together.

    Contact Caroline Oliver: call 027 279 2703 or email

    Mt Aspiring U3A

    Monthly meetings and study groups on a huge range of topics.

    Contact Gaynor Corkery, President: call 021 022 08653 or email

    Wānaka Library Book Club

    Third Thursday evening (5.30pm) and third Friday morning of every month (10.00am) | Wānaka Library, Dunmore Street | open to all.

    Contact Eve Marshall-Lea, Assistant Librarian / Events: call (03) 443 0410 or email

    Hāwea Wise Ones

    Hāwea’s over 60s friendship and support group. Includes Morning teas; Film Club; Bike Club; Walking Group; Knitting Group; Tai Chi; Line Dancing; Men’s Shed and much more.

    Community drinks First Monday of the month | 5.30pm

    Social event last Friday of the month | by arrangement

    Contact Colleen Carr: 027 393 5322 or Sue Prattley: 021 103 5849.

    Pembroke Ladies Club

    Contact Penny Kirkland: 021 130 5528

    Pembroke Men’s Club

    Contact Russell McGeorge: 03 443 9176

    Rotary Club of Wānaka

    Contact Pat Heffernan: 021 569 890

    Wānaka & Districts Lion’s Club (men’s)

    Contact Steve Richmond: 027 607 5031

    Upper Clutha Lion’s (women’s)

    Contact Penny Hartley: 021 051 3213.

    Wānaka Concert Society

    Contact Kate Lovell: 021 481 358.

    Wānaka Travel Club

    Contact Marion Furneaux: 03 443 8120.

  • Social Work support

    Our Social Worker Heather can provide short-term support if you’re struggling financially, mentally or physically. She can help you cope with your difficulties, put a plan in place and, if needed, connect you with appropriate longer-term resources, including food and financial support; budgeting advice; or further meetings with one of our social services colleagues.

    To book an appointment, contact Community Networks/LINK

    MSD Office for Seniors consults

    Second Monday of the month | Wānaka Community Hub, 34 McDougall Street | By appointment for queries about NZ Super or disability allowance.

    To book a consult, ontact Community Networks/LINK or click here to book online.

    Digital Help Drop-ins

    Thursdays during school-term time | 4.00 - 5:30pm | Wānaka Library, Dunmore Street | bring your digital questions, devices or anyway we can help.

    Tuesdays during school-term time | 11.00 - 12.00pm | Hāwea Library | bring your digital questions, devices or anyway we can help.

    Contact Paula Mitchell, Community Engagement Librarian: call 03 450 1780 or email

    Alzheimer’s Otago support groups:

    Riverside Park Community Facility, Albert Town.

    Contact Robyn Brighouse: call 027 4069 067 or email

    Aspiring Wanderers Club: for people with mild-moderate dementia
    Thursdays | 10.00am - 1.00pm

    Dementia Coffee Club: for people with dementia and their care partners or family.
    Last Thursday of the month | 10.00am - 1.00pm

    Carer Support Group: for carers of people with dementia
    Friday, October 13 | 10.00 - 11.00am

    Free Hearing Clinics, Cromwell

    Second Thursday of the month | Your Way, Cromwell | by apppointment.

    Contact Kelvin Gaskill, Hearing Therapist: call 0800 008 011, 021 501 996, or email

    Skinny Jump affordbale internet

    Wānaka Library partners with Skinny Jump Affordable Internet Connections, a programme providing heavily subsidised broadband to households at risk of being digitally excluded due to cost.

    Wānaka Library can sign people up for Jump and get them set up any time during opening hours.

    Contact Wānaka Library on 03 443 0410 or

  • Aqua Fit

    Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays | 8.00 - 8.45am | Wānaka Recreation Centre courts, Sir Tim Wallis Drive.

    Pickle Ball

    Wednesdays, Fridays | 9.00 - 10.30am | Wānaka Recreation Centre courts, Sir Tim Wallis Drive | $5 to play, including pool entry and tea and biscuits. Just show up to play.

    Beginner’s tennis

    Thursdays | 9.00 - 10.00am | Wānaka Recreation Centre courts, Sir Tim Wallis Drive.

    Contact Tegan Duffy:

    Community yoga

    Wednesdays 8.00-9.00am | Fridays 1.00 - 2.00pm | Wānaka Recreation Centre, Sir Tim Wallis Drive | $10 a class or $40 for 5 classes.

    Contact Tegan Duffy:

    Stitch Sisters

    Wednesdays | 9.30am | Edgewater Resort | Knitting and stitching group - just turn up

    Wānaka Community Workshop

    MenShed and Fabricate sewing group | 15 Gordon Road, Wānaka | $50 a year for membership

    Contact: email

    Wānaka Arts Centre groups

    Embroidery; Painters; Camera Club; Printmakers groups | 13 Brownston St, Wanaka.

    Contact: email or visit for more information.

    Wānaka Bridge Club

    Fridays | 1.00pm | Wānaka Presbyterian Church | social play for all.

    Contact: email

    Wānaka Bowling Club

    Fridays | 1.00pm | Bowling Club, 130 Tenby Street | progressive bowls - all welcome.

    Contact: call (03) 443-7873 or email

    Volunteer South

    For one-off or recurring volunteering opportunities, call 03 555 3071, email or visit


    Social and fun boules sport | Tuesdays: 10.00am - 12.00pm | Thursdays & Sundays: 1.00 - 3.00pm | Grace Wright Drive, Three Parks

    Contact Mary: 021 0690 374

  • Local support agencies

    Age Concern | for all aged services, support and to organise companionship | call 0800 652 105 or 03 448 7075 for Central Otago.

    Alzheimer’s Society | day programme and support | contact Donna Watt (Alexandra): call 03 448 9056 or email or Gayle Thornton (Queenstown): call 03 441 4955 or 027 441 4960 or email

    Central Otago Budgeting Services | call 03 448 8072 or 021 08263175 or email

    Family Works Financial Mentor | call Nicole Huddleston on 021 629 483.

    Meals on Wheels | referral through medical social worker at Dunstan Hospital | call 03 440 4302 or speak to your GP.

    Otago Gets Ready | Inform civil defence of your needs and subscribe to phone alerts for emergency situations.

    Stroke Foundation NZ | call Judith Hyslop on 03 471 6175 or 027 896 5693, or email

    Penny’s Home Care | non-government funded at-home support | call Sarah on 027 343 4776.

    Total Mobility Scheme | contact Community Networks/LINK.

    Wānaka Volunteer Fire Brigade | for help installing and checking smoke alarms, call 03 443 7602.

    Wheels to Dunstan | contact Community Networks/LINK.

    Mental health support | brief intervention is available through your GP, or visit our counselling and mental health services page.

    Useful local contacts

    Dentists | Aspiring Dental Services: 03 443 7705 | Lumino: 03 443 7705 | Wānaka Dental: 03 443 7769 | emergency dentist: 027 1800 3335

    Dunstan Hospital | 03 440 4300

    Medical Centres | Wānaka Medical Centre | call 03 443 0710 | Aspiring Medical Centre | call 03 443 0725

    Supermarkets | Four Square Wānaka: 03 443 7173 | Four Square Albert Town: 03 443 1604 | New World Wānaka: 03 443 0048 | New World Three Parks: 03 443 4810 | Countdown Metro: 03 443 7875.

    Pharmacies | Aspiring Pharmaxy: 03 443 7986 | Wānaka Pharmacy: 03 443 8000 | Wanacare Pharmacy (Medical Centre): 03 443 5290.

    Rates Rebate/Postponement Schemes | Queenstown Lakes District Council: 03 443 0024 | Otago Regional Coucil | 03 474 0827 or 0800 474 082.

    Wānaka Police | 105 (9.00 - 5.00pm)

    Other useful contacts

    Access Community Health (home care and support) | 0800 284 663

    Aged Care Needs Assessment and Service Coordination, Dunedin | 03 470 9300 or 0800 627 236

    Dementia NZ | 0800 444 776

    Eldernet (comprehensive information enabling you make more informed decisions)

    Home Help (allowance for carers) | 0800 559 009

    Healthcare NZ (personal care and household management) | 0800 002 722

    Healthline | 0800 611 116

    IRD | call 0800 257 777 with your IRD number and queries ready

    Mobility Parking Scheme | 0800 227 2255

    National Travel Assistance Scheme | (financial assistance for medical-related travel) | 0800 855 066

    NZ Superannuation applications | Contact Community Networks/LINK or call 0800 552 002

    Royal District Nursing Service | 0800 736 769

    Seniorline | for help navigating the health system, call 0800 725 463

    St John Calling Carer | 0800 780 780

    SuperGold Card (discounts from businesses and local services) | 0800 25 45 65

    Work and Income support | Contact Community Networks/LINK or call 0800 552 002.