Preparing for Omicron

As our community prepares for the arrival of COVID-19’s Omicron variant, there is a range of information and support available to help you feel ready.

Being ready is about people, conversations, connections and knowing what to do, so the community can help each other if needed.  Click here for guidance on making a plan, working out what you’ll need, and reaching out to friends and whānau.

Everyone who tests positive for COVID-19 and their household members must stay at home and self-isolate.  Within the first 24 hours of getting a positive test result, your GP or a health professional will get in touch to discuss what happens next.  Within 48 hours, if you can safely stay in your home, you will receive advice on looking after yourself and supporting your recovery.  Click here for more information on what to expect when self-isolating.

If you need support while in isolation, you can call the COVID Welfare Phone Line on 0800 512 337 seven days a week.  If you need urgent medical help or are having trouble breathing, call 111 immediately, telling them you have COVID-19.

Community Networks/LINK are here to support the welfare needs of individuals and whānau in the community or while isolating at home, and will be available to connect you to further support.  If you need support or guidance, call us on 03 443 7799.

Finally, remember that it’s normal to feel anxious or stressed in times of difficulty.  For support with anxiety, distress or mental wellbeing, you can call or text 1737 to talk with a trained counsellor for free, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  The Te Hau Toka Southern Lakes Wellbeing Group have a range of wellbeing resources available on their website, and publish regional health/wellbeing news and tips on their Facebook page.


Different strokes for different folks


Community Networks at Red