What’s new for Reconnecting Seniors?

This month, we’re sharing an update on the Reconnecting Seniors project, which started off in November 2022.

This project, funded by Te Hau Toka and led by the Reconnecting Seniors Network (formerly the Champion for Older Persons Group) aims to help seniors get and stay connected in the community and in their homes, by taking stock of all the current activities and services available; building on what exists; and identifying any gaps or barriers that are hindering seniors wanting to connect.

So, what have we been up to so far?

First of all, all seniors are welcome to join us at the Wānaka Community Hub on February 20 for our inaugural Coffee Connection coffee morning drop-in, which we’re hoping to run monthly. Stop by for morning tea and a chat between 9:30 – 11.00am. Registrations to info@communitynetworks.co.nz. Please let us know if transport is an issue as we may be able to help.

 65 Christmas giftboxes went out to seniors in the community before Christmas, filled with locally-made edible goodies, hand-wrapped and delivered by volunteers from the Reconnecting Seniors Network and the community. We received lots of calls and emails from nominated seniors to say thank you for the goodies, and what a lovely surprise it had been, and we’re looking forward to doing this again over the winter period.

 Monthly Superannuation consultations with MSD’s Office for Seniors have been taking place at the Wanaka Community Hub since November, and have proved to be very popular so far! The next consultations will be on Monday, February 20 and March 13. Book your spot by contacting Community Networks/LINK on 03 443 7799 or emailing info@communitynetworks.co.nz. .

 Our colleague Dell Taylor from St John is also running monthly Saturday Socials on the fourth Saturday of every month at the St John Rooms on Link Way. Enjoy good food and conversation at these casual monthly gatherings which include morning tea, bingo, lunch and special guests – all for $5 per person. Free transport is also available, so call Dell to sign up or for more information - 021 111 5940.

 More on what we have planned and how you can get involved next week! In the meantime, for more information on Reconnecting Seniors, visit communitynetworks.co.nz/community-development..

 Community Networks/LINK, your one-stop community support and connection centre.


Can you help us to Reconnect Seniors?


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